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Photo: TaiZh Shao

Kris Kuldkepp is an experimental musician, performance and multimedia artist based in  Hamburg, Germany. She explores the rich traditions of the double bass to discover sonic  experiences featuring rich harmonic textures, noise music as well as elements from pop and doom ambient. In addition to the double bass, she uses found objects, motors, and DIY electronics to  create musical experiences that deconstruct meanings and forms of musical structures. Kris has presented her music at festivals such as Brutal Assault, KLANGHAUS, Papiripar, JAUNA MUZIKA, StimmeX, Blurred Edges Festival, Piksel and Estonian Music Days.

In 2022, Kris co founded the duo Bad Groupy with an experimental musician Jeff Surak (DC) which explores  improvised and constructed sound art. Together, they delve into the realms of spontaneous and  experimental sound creation, crafting captivating sonic structures challenging conventional  notions of experimental music. In 2022, they released their debut album “The Last Piece of  Graphite,” featuring a full binaural recording of all the pieces next to stereo versions.

In addition to sound art, Kris frequently features in theatre and performance art settings working  with interactive technology, audience participation and durational performance. She is a close  collaborator of music theatre director Lisa Pottstock with whom she develops feminist posthuman  performances and comedic but critical content. Her solo performance works, ranging from interactive performances to private installations, focus on public intervention, physical body as a  material, and participatory performance.

Kris is currently completing doctoral studies at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and  Hamburg University of Music and Theatre. She worked as a research fellow in the Kinetics in Sound and Space research group focusing on spatial sound, posthumanism and participatory performance art. She has given various lectures and workshops on interactive technology, spatial sound, and free improvisation in Europe and the USA. Kris is a co-curator of the Biannual  International Symposium on Sonic Art and Spatial Audio KLINGT GUT! KLG in Hamburg,  Germany.




Many thanks to Helsingin Kaupunki, 
Tarquinia.fi & Cosa.fi for their kind support.